Sample Activity 4-14
Activity Answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ to the following questions about self-advocacy. [audio src="https://thrivelandia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/4.14-I.m4a" /] Being your own self-advocate will help …

Sample Activity 4-8
Activity Select a car from the images below and imagine it is you. Which care package would you choose to …

Sample Activity 4-2
Activity Try to beat the clock as you match the words below. [audio src="https://thrivelandia.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/4.2-I.m4a" /] Think of the last time …

Sample Activity 5-11
Activity There are many questions we can ask ourselves when we’re faced with a problem, or when something is bringing …

Sample Activity 5-7
Activity Here are some “willpower hacks” that are known to help people be successful in different situations. Could you benefit …

Sample Activity 5-8
Activity If you had to pick one character strength to be your “superpower” what would it be? Drag the symbol …

Sample Activity 5-1
Activity Choose a symbol of strength from the options below. You can print it, save it, or you can use …

Sample Activity 5-3
Activity Watch this short video explaining ‘brain neuroplasticity’. Afterwards, fill in the missing letters to complete the key terms. [audio …
Sample Activity 1-2
Activity Jimmy and Rihanna are having a casual conversation at school but Jimmy can’t seem to keep the conversation going …

Karen Ashton, Grade 7 & 8 Teacher
Mental health, and promoting positive mental health is at the forefront of concerns in the education system. As teachers, we …

Paul, Elementary School Teacher
As a teacher, I see every day how much stress and anxiety students are dealing with. I am always looking …