Our Hosts are what bring all of the Thrivelandia activities to life! They are young people, who have dedicated their time and energy to guide you through each land in the hopes that you will feel a connection to people your age when trying to do the activities yourself. 

In appreciation for their efforts, we want to support our Hosts. We are sharing the links to their social channels so you can find out more about the other things they are working on and follow them.


My hobbies are: Singing, dancing, acting, finger knitting, vinyl collecting, digital art, reading, content creation, crafting, crystal collecting, and video gaming

I am interested in Musical Theatre, Kpop, progressive metal and alt-rock, Indie pop, fashion, studying aesthetics, lighting design, and Power Rangers!

A bit about me

I chose to be a host for Thrivelandia – one because it was a great opportunity for me and two because I use my platform on a daily bases to spread information and good habits. Being a part and filming for a program like this only helps spread the good all around!

I really want to be on broadway and continue my current Musical Theatre training in the future. I am also interested in digital design, Law, and activism. As long as I can perform and make the world a better place, that’s what I want my future to be!

Words to live by

For your own mental health, you don’t have to like everyone, even if that’s what you were told to do. It is impossible to like everyone and for everyone to like you.

So, know your friends and be close with your friends. Be nice to everyone you meet but, don’t force yourself to like people you don’t like, just because someone else told you to.

I promise, once you focus on yourself and your close friends, there’s going to be a heavy weight lifted off of your shoulders!

insta: @pinkheadprods


Acting, weightlifting, rock climbing and kinesiology.

A bit about me

The reason why I chose to be a Thrivelandia host is to be able to expand my acting profile along with giving kids an opportunity to learn life lessons.

In the future I want to grow my acting career and expand my knowledge in kinesiology and nutrition.

Words to live by

It doesn’t matter what other people think.  Be yourself, and when in doubt make a list.

insta: @adam3769154_


Cooking, Aerial Silks, sword making, skiing, acting

A bit about me

I chose to be a Thrivelandia host because it was great opportunity to help other kids and teens! 

Our mental health is so important, and this online world is a way to learn new strategies to deal with all kinds of situations and feelings! I learned so much from being part of it!

My goal is to eventually open my own restaurant and become a Red Seal Chef! 

Words to live by

Always be kind! We never know peoples stories. 

A smile can go a long way! 

insta: @thelukasengel


singing, acting, playing piano, entrepreneurship

A bit about me

In the future, my goal is to become a successful actor, singer/songwriter and to make my own successful business. I will also be an activist so that I can use my money to make the world a better place. 

I chose to be a host of thrivelandia because I think it’s very important for this generation to know that they matter and that they’re not alone as to what they are feeling. It’s key to learn how to take care of yourself and to be your own best friend, if no one else is there for you. 

Words to live by

Everything happens for a reason.

youtube: @mackenzie1241


I love playing video games such as Omori and Animal Crossing, theater, acting and figure skating is my favourite sport to watch, and do!

A bit about me

I chose to be a host for Thrivelandia because I felt it was a good opportunity to help kids and bring awareness to kids’ mental health in a fun way.

In the future I want to continue enjoying skating and to continue progressing as a figure skater.

Follow my Tik tok to see my figure skating, craft projects and cat videos!

Words to live by

Don’t be afraid to reach out for help when you need it.

tiktok: @the_names_carl_17


YouTube Vidoes,Art,Sports

A bit about me

I chose to be a host for Thrivelandia to Raise Awareness and Support Mental Health and Positive thoughts.

In the future I want to help more people and to grow my YouTube channel. Visit my channel for Gaming and Movie Video Essays and also some occasional Fall Guys Videos!

youtube: @chillychivy435

*Disclaimer: The social channels listed on this page are the sole property of Hosts and are not affiliated with Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada, Thrivelandia, or Meridian. If you encounter any issues with these social channels please report them.