Thrivelandia Help
General FAQs
Based on the research of Dr. Diana Brecher in the field of Positive Psychology, Thrivelania has been adapted from the well-known, Toronto Metropolitan University program, ThriveTMU, which helps post-secondary students develop abilities for thriving that will serve them throughout their lives. With the generous funding of Meridian Credit Union, Strong Minds Strong Kids, Psychology Canada adapted the ThriveTMU program for a younger audience and Thrivelandia was born!
Visit our Thrivelandia Crew page for more information on our hosts
Thrivelandia Activities FAQs
YES. With each land you complete, you will add a new stamp to your passport. This passport will take you places.. stay tuned to find out where!
YES. These answers will only take you a second and they will help us improve the overall content in all of Thrivelandia. You won’t be able to get your passport stamped until you answer these!
The number of activities range from 13-18, depending on the land that you are in.
When you first join Thrivelandia, be sure to select the “ACCELERATED” speed and this will deliver your content faster. After each land, you will have the option of changing your speed.
Just like in all games, when you LEVEL UP, you are improving your experience. You will be collecting more SKILLS to add to your overall resilience skillset.
There is no actual prize for Leveling up but you will get to learn more from different crew members throughout your experience.
In most cases, the downloadable PDF is the same as the activity but it is for offline use. For instance, in the online activity, you are able to TYPE in the answers and save a file. But in the PDF, you would write in your answers. If the online activity is a game, then it is usually not available as a downloadable PDF.
If you have issues on mobile with tapping in the fields or if you want to do the activity at a later time when you won’t have online access, then you may want to download the PDF activity. You also may want to send the activities to your friends or share them on social!
Yes. While what you choose to complete in the activities is optional, the more you do, the more you’ll get out of Thrivelandia. The reflections for each activity are a way to help you think about and apply what you learn in Thrivelandia to your real life.
Technical Issues and Accessibility FAQs
The videos have a button on them for users to view the closed captioning (CC). Fonts are sized for accessability. Audio files are included for all of the instructions throughout Thrivelandia.
Please contact us with any technical issues or any other issues with Thrivelandia.