About Thrivelandia
Thrivelandia is an online world that is made up of 5 different lands. Each land concentrates on a pillar of Resilience – Mindfulness, Gratitude, Optimism, Self-compassion and Perseverance. Each land offers fun learning activities, games, and videos that will help you build resilience.

Complete the activities in each land

Meet 6 different Thrivelandia hosts who are facing the same life challenges as you. These hosts will guide you on your journey, as you build resilience skills and learn how to cope with different situations, that you will face now and in the future.

Fill your passport!
Collect a new stamp after you complete each land. Once you fill your passport, you will become eligible for some exciting incentives!

Join Thrivelandia
Sign up today and start your Thrivelandia journey by unlocking Mount Mindful!